Get a professional tattoo or try out your skills with the tattoo gun.
Tattoo for offcoins. If you want a tattoo, first, you need to earn offcoins and sign up for the nearest slot. Choose any sketch from our artists’ collections.
Free OFFZONE logo tattoo. If you get a tattoo with the conference branding, you will be awarded offcoins. Plus you will be able to attend all future OFFZONE conferences and Speaker parties for free.
Become a tattoo artist. Try yourself as a tattoo artist and create your own merch on a silicon torso. You’ll have everything you need: a loaded tattoo machine, needles, ink, a practice torso, and instructions.
Try your luck. We invite you to take a chance and spin the wheel of fortune. Win a free tattoo, a gift, or earn offcoins. On the flip side, you might end up losing offcoins (depending on how lucky you are)